Jim's 4-14-98 Radar Images

-Surface level radar over Pauls Valley. The protruding red bulge on the southwest part of the storm is the hook echo. We were on the southeast edge of the hook echo at the time of this radar. The scale on the left edge of the picture is in DBZ, 53 is about the threshold for hail formation. Note the speck of 65+ DBZ, also in the second image.

-Radar at same place and time as the first one, and we're in the same place on the ground. This radar, however, is taken at more of an upward angle, so the cross-section shown is higher up in the storm. Note the widespread organized rotation of the storm and the continued prescence of the hook echo.

-Horizontal velocity profile of the storm. Taken about 10 minutes after the other radar images, when the storm was about 5 miles further to the East. Blue/green hues represent winds going towards the radar site (top center of the picture) and red/yellow hues represent winds going away from the site. The spot at the bottom of the storm shows strong rotation. We were under the small grey blotch just below and to the right of the yellow in the rotation. The scale on the left edge of the image is in knots, note winds of 64+ knots in the rotation.