METR 1014

Assignment #1

Due Wednesday September 6, 2000

Meteorology is a science that often affects the lives of everyday people. Your assignment is to find a substantial newspaper or magazine article about weather or climate. The article can be one of the following types: a detailed report of a significant weather event (drought, flood, hurricane, tornado outbreak) or a report on a controversial topic such as global warming, the ozone hole, cloud seeding etc. Clip the article (or photocopy if it isn’t yours) and hand it in along with the following write-up.

  1. Include the name of the article’s source and the date.
  2. Write a summary of the article (about a paragraph or so.)
  3. If the article is a event report discuss the following:
  4. What kind of effect has this event had on the lives of people it hit? Was there anything meteorologists or emergency managers could of done to prevent the loss of lives or property?

    If the article is on a controversial topic

    How could these findings change government policy and people’s daily lives? Does this report contradict what you have previously heard about the subject?

  5. Was there any concept in the article that you did not understand or would like to hear more discussion on?