Chapter 7 Summary and Review


            The difference in pressure between two places is the basic force that drives winds.  But first we have to define pressure, as the amount of force per unit of surface area.  Gas molecules in the atmosphere exert a certain force on the objects around them.  Pressure can increase by adding more molecules (increasing density) or by making molecules move faster (increasing temperature).  The relationship between pressure, density and temperature is expressed in the Ideal Gas Law.  Pressure follows Dalton’s law, which states that each gas (nitrogen, oxygen, etc) exerts is own partial pressure, the sum of which makes up the total atmospheric pressure.  Pressure tries to equalize itself, moving from high pressure areas to low pressure areas, creating a pressure gradient force (PGF).  Pressure is exerted equally in all directions and is measured by barometers.  Pressure also decreases rapidly with altitude.  A station such as Miami, FL would have a higher pressure reading than Denver, CO since there is a thicker layer of atmosphere (more molecules) above Miami.  In order to ignore the differences in pressure due to altitude and focus on the pressure differences due to weather, meteorologists reduce surface pressure measurements to sea level pressure. 

            The pressure gradient force, since it tries to equalize pressure differences, gets air moving.  We could assume that since pressure decreases rapidly with altitude, the PGF force would always be directed upwards.  However, air doesn’t usually flow upwards very rapidly.  This is due to hydrostatic equilibrium, which is the balance between the pressure gradient force and gravity.  There is also a pressure gradient force between a column of cold air and a column of warm air.  This is because the cold air is more dense, and thus vertical decrease in pressure is much faster than the warm column.  The different columns will have a different pressure reading at the same altitude.  Thus in the upper atmosphere, the PGF starts moving air from higher to lower pressure, or from the warm column to the cold column.  The stronger the PGF is, the faster the air starts moving.

            The PGF is what starts air moving, but it isn’t the only force affecting wind.  The Coriolis “force” is an apparent force that changes the direction of wind.  Due to the rotation of the earth, the Coriolis force deflects moving air to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.  The faster the air is flowing, the more deflection occurs.  The Coriolis force is zero at the equator and is at its maximum at the poles.  The Coriolis force has no effect on small movements, such as water flowing down the drain, but has a large effect on movements over a large area, such as wind moving across a continent.  We’ll begin by assuming the isobars are straight and air starts out moving from high to low pressure due to the PGF.  The Coriolis force then turns this moving air to the right (in the Northern Hemisphere), so the air in the upper atmosphere flows parallel to the isobars.  This is known as geostrophic wind.  If the isobars are curved, then centripetal force becomes a factor, and the wind is known as gradient wind.  Around a curved high, the PGF and Coriolis are out of balance due to the centripetal acceleration.  The Coriolis is greater, so thus the winds must be faster.  The gradient winds in this case are supergeostrophic.  Around a curved low pressure system, the two forces are again out of balance, this time with the Coriolis being less, so the wind slows.  The gradient winds in this case are subgeostrophic.  If the effect of friction is included, as it must be at the surface, the winds get more complex.  Friction slows the winds down, the slower winds result in less Coriolis force, and the PGF and Coriolis are again knocked out of balance.  The net effect of friction is that winds blow across isobars towards lower pressure.  The friction effect is usually limited to the lowest 1.5 km of the atmosphere, known as the planetary boundary layer.

            The net effect of all the forces causes air around high and low pressure systems to flow a certain way.  Around upper level highs (anticyclones) in the Northern Hemisphere, air flows clockwise parallel to the isobars, while a surface high has air flowing clockwise and outwards from the center.  The Southern Hemisphere highs are the same, except the flow is counterclockwise.  Around lows (cyclones) in the upper levels the flow is counterclockwise and parallel to the isobars in the Northern Hemisphere.  N.H. surface lows have flow counterclockwise and inward towards the low center.  Southern Hemisphere lows behave the same, but flow clockwise.  The convergence of air from a surface low causes it to rise, while air above a surface high sinks.  If the systems are not closed, the low pressure is called a trough and high pressure is called a ridge. 



·        What pressure is and its relationship to density and temperature

·        The basic properties of pressure

·        What hydrostatic equilibrium is

·        What the pressure gradient force is and how it behaves

·        What the coriolis effect is and how it behaves

·        The differences between geostrophic and gradient wind

·        How friction effects surface winds

·        How winds flow around highs and lows in both hemispheres




































Chapter 8 Summary and Review


Back in 1735, George Hadley proposed that the difference in heating between the Earth’s equator and poles was what drives the atmosphere’s circulation.  Since the equator received more heat, air there rose and moved high in the atmosphere towards the poles.  At the poles the air would cool and sink, moving back to the equator along the surface.  The Coriolis force then turned the winds in each hemisphere, so the Northern Hemisphere surface winds flowed from the northeast.  Hadley’s model wasn’t very realistic, so scientists in more recent times have proposed the three-cell model.  The cells nearest the equator were most like Hadley’s original model and were named after him.  In the Hadley cell, the air rises at the equator, creating an area of clouds and precipitation known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ).  Air in the upper part of the Hadley cell flows towards the poles, but begins sinking at about 30o latitude.  This creates an area of subtropical highs, with little rainfall and light winds.  The surface winds flow back to the equator, but are turned by the Coriolis force, making the easterlies, a prevalent trade wind seen in the tropics.  In the middle latitudes there is the Ferrel cell, where air comes down at the subtropical highs and moves poleward along the surface, rising again at around 60o latitude.  This rising air creates another area of convergence and precipitation, the subpolar lows.  The final cell is the polar cell, where air rising from the subpolar lows moves in the upper atmosphere towards the poles, where it sinks and creates the polar highs.

   While the three-cell model describes the ITCZ and the subtropical highs well, it doesn’t do so well with upper level wind flow in the mid-latitudes.  The temperature, and thus the height of a column of air decreases as you go poleward.  Thus there is a pressure gradient force acting from the equator to the poles.  The Coriolis turns these winds to the right in the Northern Hemisphere so air flows from west to east parallel to the isobars.  Certain parts of the upper level flow have a sharp boundary in temperature known as the polar front.  The difference in temperatures creates a strong PGF, making the winds along this boundary unusually strong, known as the polar jet.  The polar jet is usually stronger in winter due to the greater temperature differences and exists about 9-12 km above sea level.  A similar jet occurs in the subtropics and is important for bringing moisture.  The flow at upper levels often distorts into a system of troughs and ridges known as Rossby waves, which circle the globe and bring cold air south and warm air north. 

            I skimmed over local wind systems, but you should know the basics.  A monsoon is a thermally driven circulation seen in Asia, with winter winds flowing off of the continent and summer winds flowing onto the continent, bringing rain from the ocean.  A Chinook is air flowing down from the mountains that is warmed through compression.  Foehn, Santa Ana, and katabatic winds are all also mountain driven winds seen at different places around the globe.  A sea breeze begins when land heats faster than water, creating a pressure difference which causes winds to blow towards land during the day.  At night, the land cools quickly, reversing the pressure gradient and winds so the air flow from the land out to sea. 

            There is a complex relationship between the ocean and atmosphere.  Normally in the tropical Pacific, trade winds blow the surface ocean water from the east to the west, causing warm water to pool in the western Pacific and cold water to upwell in the eastern Pacific.  This Walker Circulation normally keeps Indonesia fairly wet and the west coast of South America fairly dry.  However, this situation changes when there is an El Nino Southern Oscillation.  When El Nino occurs the trade winds reverse, causing warm water to move eastward.  This disrupts the Walker circulation, bringing drought to Indonesia and floods to South America.  El Nino can even have an effect on U.S. weather though teleconnections, where Rossby waves shift, bringing a unusual pattern of troughs and ridges.  However, El Nino doesn’t create storms, it just moves them to different places.  With La Nina, the opposite circulation occurs.  The trade winds strengthen, bringing abnormally cold water to the eastern Pacific.  La Nina usually brings wet conditions to the western Pacific and dry to South America.  The reasons for why the oscillation occurs are not well know, but may be due to an imbalance in ocean heat transfer.  General pattern can be forecasted from El Nino, but variations can cause difficulty in specific forecasts.











































Chapter 9 Summary and Review


            Air that rests over certain parts of the globe for several days begins to take on the characteristics of that area.  The air masses move from these source regions, usually in the tropics and poles, into the mid-latitudes.  The air masses are classified by two properties:  temperature (tropical, polar, or arctic) and moisture (continental or maritime).   Continental Polar (cP) air usually comes to Oklahoma from central Canada, bringing cold, dry, stable air.  Continental Arctic (cA) air comes off of the polar ice caps, bringing bitterly cold air.  Maritime Polar (mP) usually forms over the Northern Pacific and brings cold, humid air that is stable in the summer and unstable in the winter.  Continental Tropical (cT) comes off of central Mexico, with hot, dry, and unstable air.  Maritime Tropical (mT) usually arrives in OK from the Gulf of Mexico, bringing warm, moist, unstable air.  Air masses are often modified as they move away from their source regions, for example cP air masses become slightly warmer as they move south.

            The boundaries that separate air masses are known as fronts.  A cold front, normally designated on weather maps with blue triangles, brings dropping temperatures, dropping dew points and a wind shift to a northerly direction.  Since there is a density difference between the warm and advancing cold air, there is a sharp boundary which causes the warm air to rise along it.  This usually forms cumulus clouds, showers, or thunderstorms.  With a warm front (the red half circles) the temperatures rise, the dew points rise, and the winds shift from easterly to south or southwesterly.  The warm front boundary is not as steep as the cold front.  Warm air flows up and over the cold air, a process known as overrunning.  The gradual rise of warm air brings stratus clouds and light precipitation.  Stationary fronts are simply a boundary between two air masses that doesn’t move.  With an occluded front, two fronts combine in some way.  With a cold-occlusion, a cold front with continental polar air behind it catches up with a warm front with cool air in front of it.  The warm air that was between the two fronts is displaced upwards in the atmosphere.  With a warm occlusion, the process is the same, but there is mP air behind the cold front and cP air ahead of the warm front.  A final type of boundary is a dryline, which is a difference in density between humid and dry air.  This density difference causes convergence, which in turn can fire thunderstorms.

            Finally a bit from Chapter 10.  An ideal low pressure system goes through a certain life cycle.  First a stationary front separates two air masses.  A kink develops in the front, with warm air moving north and cold air beginning to move south.  A cyclonic circulation develops (cyclogenesis) and a low pressure system is born, with a cold front and a warm front.  Eventually the fronts catch up and occlude.  The occlusion cuts off the low from its source of warm, moist air, so the low pressure system begins to die.  This process is idealized, since upper level winds have a large effect on surface lows, but that’s not something we’re going to cover in this class.










Chapter 11 Summary and Review


            In order for thunderstorms to form you need:  conditionally unstable air, some lifting mechanism or free convection, and abundant moisture.  For severe thunderstorms you also need wind shear.  Air mass thunderstorms, however, are short lived and not severe.  The storm begins when unstable air rises, cools adiabatically, and forms a cumulus cloud.  Warm, moist air feeds the storm in an updraft, and if conditions are right, the storms continues to grow.  Eventually the ice crystals high in the storm grow large enough to fall.  Once precipitation begins, the storm moves from the cumulus stage to the mature stage.  The falling rain drags air down with it and also cools the air, creating a downdraft.  At this stage the storm is at its most intense.  The turbulent air around the storm causes entrainment, bringing dry air into the storm, which evaporates drops and increases the downdraft.  Eventually the downdraft takes over the entire storm and it enters the dissipative stage.  The cold air from the downdraft cuts off the warm, moist air feeding the storm and the cloud droplets begin to evaporate.

            For a storm to be considered severe, it needs to produce winds greater than 58 mph, hail greater than 0.75 inches, or a tornado.  Severe thunderstorms are usually self-propagating and can occur in may different forms.  Severe thunderstorms that form in clusters of multiple cells are known as Mesoscale Convective Complexes.  Different cells in the complex are often at different stages of development, with new cells being formed from the outflow boundaries of old cells.  A squall line is thunderstorms formed in a linear band, capable of traveling large distances and creating high winds.  In squall lines, the cold air from the downdraft forms a gust front, which pushes up the warm, moist air ahead of it and feeds it into the storm.  Supercell thunderstorms are small, isolated storms with a rotating updraft called the mesocyclone.  Supercells are the thunderstorms most likely to produce strong tornadoes.  Strong wind shear creates the rotating updraft which feeds humid air into the storm and keeps it going.  Rain and hail often wrap around the mesocyclone, producing a hook shape that can be seen on radar. 

            Lightning, one of the many hazards produced by thunderstorms, is a charge of electricity between objects.  Most lightning occurs within the cloud or to another cloud, but about 20% occurs from cloud to ground.  In a thunderstorm a thin coating of liquid water often exists on ice pieces within the cloud.  When the ice collides with each other the water coating mixes so, positive charge gets transferred to the small ice crystals and negative charge is transferred to the larger graupel pieces.  The graupel is heavier and falls to the bottom of the cloud, creating a concentration of negative charge.  The ice crystals stay in the top of the cloud, producing a concentration of positive charge.  At times, an object on the ground such as a tree becomes positively charged.  Negative charges begin moving towards the tree in a stepped-leader, which is invisible to the naked eye.  Positive charges begin moving up from the tree in an upward-leader.  Once the two leaders meet, electrons flow through the connected channel in a return stroke.  Another leader, called a dart leader, sets up another channel and forms another return stroke.  Several return strokes make up the flash of lightning we see.  The lightning heats the air intensely, causing the air to expand and create thunder.  The lightning flash is seen before the rumble of thunder due to light traveling faster than sound.  Lightning usually strikes the tallest object available, and can travel through phone lines and pluming.  Cars and airplanes are usually safe from lightning, since the charge is transferred around the occupants through the metal shell of the vehicle.  Other, rare types of lightning observed include ball lightning, St. Elmo’s fire, sprites, and blue jets.

            A thunderstorm hazard that is important for aviation is downbursts.  These are strong downdrafts that hit the ground and create very high winds.  If a downburst is less than 4 km in diameter, it is known as a microburst.  The wind shear that occurs as an aircraft flies through a downburst can cause it to crash. 

            Another danger of severe thunderstorms is flash flooding.  This can occur when heavy rain falls on already saturated ground.  Often there is training, when one thunderstorm goes over the path of another in rapid succession.  Flash floods kill more people than any other weather event, since drivers are often think they can drive though rushing water.  The force of the water can easily knock over a person when it is just six inches deep, and can float a car at two feet deep. Most flash flood deaths occur in vehicles, so it’s never a good idea to drive through flooded roadways.

            Tornadoes are rapidly rotating winds that spin counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere.  Wind shear starts columns of air rotating horizontally, and the updraft of a supercell pushes this rotation into the vertical.  This creates the mesocyclone, which can drop from the base of the storm in a lowering known as a wall cloud.  Eventually the winds reach the surface, forming a tornado.  Tornadoes usually only last a few minutes and can range in size from a football field to over a mile wide.  Doppler radar can estimate wind speed and direction, making it a useful tool in detecting the rotating mesocyclone.  Tornadoes most often occur in the plains states, with TX having the most total tornadoes, and OK having the most per 10,000 miles.  There is also a maximum in tornadoes in FL spawned from hurricanes and tropical storms.  Tornadoes have occurred at least once in all 50 states.  Most tornadoes occur in late spring and early summer when the upper level winds are strong and there is high instability.  They need the heating of the day to get the storms going, so most tornadoes occur in the late afternoon or early evening.  Suction vorticies are small intense rotations that occur within the main tornado, and can be responsible for intense damage.  Tornadoes are rated in strength though the Fujita scale, which estimates wind speed through damage.  Fortunately only about 2% of tornadoes are the violent F4 or F5, but that small amount is responsible for the most fatalities.  The F-scale fails when the tornado occurs in an open area where there is nothing to damage.  A tornado that moves onto water from land can be called a waterspout.  Waterspouts can also occur when cumulus congestus clouds are in the area and warm water heats the air from below.  Fortunately, most waterspouts are small and weak.



·        What conditions are necessary for thunderstorms to develop

·        The life cycle of an air mass thunderstorm

·        The different types of severe thunderstorms

·        How lightning forms

·        Why downbursts and flash floods are so dangerous

·        The basics of tornado formation

·        When and where most tornadoes occur

·        The F-scale and its problems