METR 1014

Review for the Final Exam


Reminder:  The final is on Thursday, December 14, 2000 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.


If you have questions, I will probably be in my office in the mornings from 10-12 during finals week.  I will also have office hours on Wednesday December 13 from 7-9 p.m.  If these times don’t work for you, email me to set up an appointment.


The final will be the same format as the three midterm exams, multiple choice and true/false.  It will be comprehensive, with probably 80-90% covered on the old exams, and 10-20% new material.  Your best bet would be to review your notes and study the old exams.  Any topic covered in class is fair game for the final, but I will probably put emphasis on the following topics:


·        The different gases that make up the atmosphere

·        How density and pressure changes with height in the atmosphere

·        The four temperature layers of the atmosphere

·        The difference between kinetic and potential energy

·        The three methods of energy transfer

·        How temperature affects the amount and wavelength of emitted energy (Stefan-Boltzmann and Wien’s Laws)

·        The cause of the seasons, and how tilt affects the length of a day

·        The difference between Rayleigh, Mie, and non-selective scattering

·        The different things radiation can do in the atmosphere (absorption, scattering, reflection)

·        What latent and sensible heat are

·        How temperature varies with altitude and nearness to water

·        What saturation is

·        How relative humidity changes with temperature

·        What the dew point is

·        How temperature changes when air expands or is compressed

·        What heterogeneous nucleation is

·        The different types of condensation on the ground

·        The four ways air can rise

·        The different lapse rates and what the lifted condensation level is

·        What makes air stable or unstable

·        What an inversion is

·        The basic types of clouds

·        The collision-coalescence processes

·        How ice crystals grow

·        The different types of precipitation and how they form

·        The relationship between pressure, temperature, and density (Ideal Gas Law)

·        The different forces that make up wind (pressure gradient, Coriolis, centripetal, and friction)

·        The difference between geostrophic and gradient wind

·        The wind flow around cyclones and anticyclones

·        How wind flows in the upper levels of the atmosphere

·       The basics of the three-cell model

·        El Niño and La Niña

·        The types of air masses

·        The difference between cold, warm, occluded, and stationary fronts

·        The life cycle of a thunderstorm

·        The types of severe thunderstorms

·        The different manifestations of severe weather

·       How, where, and when tornadoes occur


On homework #5, I had you rate how each TV station forecasted and hoped you noted how the forecasts got worse over time.  Though it was not in your book, I went over why this occurs.  The complex equations that computers use to forecast the weather are subject to chaos, so a small difference in initial numbers causes a large difference in the final result.  Since the observations we put into computer models will never be perfect, the final forecasts will always be chaotic.  Thus forecasts get worse over time and are usually useless beyond 14 days. 



Chapter 12 Summary and Review


            Tropical storms are known by different names in various parts of the globe.  In the Atlantic and the eastern Pacific ocean, they are known as hurricanes.  Farther west in the Pacific near Asia, the storms are called typhoons, while in the Indian Ocean and near Australia they are called cyclones.  The majority of storms occur in the western Pacific, averaging 16 per year.  No storms at all occur in the southern hemisphere Atlantic ocean. 

            In order for hurricanes to occur, the ocean temperatures need to be very warm, over 27oC (81oF).  Since the storm rotates, the Coriolis force is necessary to start that rotation, thus the storms cannot form near the equator.  Unstable air over the oceans without a low trade wind inversion allows thunderstorms to develop.  These thunderstorms usually form in organized groups just upstream of easterly waves.  This group of thunderstorms is called a tropical disturbance.  Most tropical disturbances die, but some begin to have lowering pressures and cyclonic rotation.  Once a tropical disturbance has a closed isobar on an analysis, it becomes a tropical depression.  If the tropical depression intensifies and the maximum sustained surface winds become greater than 37 mph, it reaches tropical storm status.  At this point the storms gets a name from a designated list.  Once the storm has winds greater than 74 mph, it is classified as a hurricane.

            Hurricanes rotate cyclonically (counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere).  The very low pressure in their centers provides a strong pressure gradient and strong winds.  Bands of thunderstorms rotate around the storm, forming spiral rainbands.  The most intense part of the storm is in the eyewall, where the storm has strong rising air and highest winds.  In contrast, the eye is an area of sinking air in the center of the storm.  The sinking air suppresses cloud development and a clear spot in the middle of the storm develops.  The hurricane is powered by the latent heat released when water vapor condenses into liquid.  Hurricanes, in contrast to mid-latitude low pressure systems, have a warm core and have the greatest wind speeds at the surface. 

            Hurricanes in the Atlantic ocean usually form between June 1 and November 30.  In the early stages the storm moves westward with the trade winds.  Once it reaches the tropical storm stage, the storm is influenced more by the upper level winds and ocean surface temperatures.  Still, the storm usually moves in a westward direction, turning towards the poles late in its life, but the paths can be very erratic.

            Hurricanes are rated by the strength of their winds on the Saffir-Simpson scale, from the minimal category 1 to the catastrophic category 5.  Once a hurricane makes landfall, it is cut off from its supply of latent heat and begins to die.  Still, the storm can have an enormous effect on land.  The most damaging to lives and property is storm surge, the rise in ocean level due to winds.  The hurricane can also bring high winds, heavy rain, and spawn tornadoes.  The right side of the storm is the most dangerous (in the Northern Hemisphere), since the winds rotating around the storm and the direction of movement act together on that side of the storm instead of opposing each other like on the left side. 

Forecasting for hurricanes in the U.S. is the responsibility of the National Hurricane Center in Florida.  The NHC sends out planes that fly through the storm and send out dropsondes that measure temperature, pressure, moisture, and winds.  This data, along with data from buoys and satellites, is input into several different computer models to forecast the hurricane’s track and intensity.  Like all computer models, the hurricane models become less accurate over time and are only useful for about 72 hours.  Once the NHC decides that a hurricane is headed towards land, they will issue a hurricane watch.  When the hurricane comes within 24 hours of reaching land, the NHC will issue a hurricane warning for a section of the coast.  The warnings are often accompanied by the probability of a direct strike for an area.  The forecasters at NHC must strike a balance between evacuating areas to save lives and avoiding false alarms.  As more people move to coastal regions prone to hurricanes, this issue becomes even more important.

