James Russell
University of Oklahoma
School of Meteorology
Graduate Student

About Me

I am currently a Masters Student at the University of Oklahoma, School of Meteorology. I work under Dr. David Parsons and Dr. Steven Cavallo in the Antarctic and Arctic Atmospheric Research Group (AAARG). My Masters research involves using an innovative dataset of dropsonde profiles from the Concordiasi field program to evaluate the Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS).

I obtained my undergraduate MMet degree in Meteorology from the University of Reading in July 2012. There my thesis focused on the development of a simple model for large scale circulation in the tropics.

On this webpage you can also find more information about my current and past research, current weather with a focus on the contiguous United States and my photography.

Recent News

01/12/2014: I am excited to announce that in January I will be moving to Raleigh, NC to complete my PhD at North Carolina State Univerity. There, I will be working under Anantha Aiyyer in the Tropical Dynamics group.

13/11/2014: I successfully defended my Masters thesis today.

01/10/2014: During August I travelled to Montreal for the WMO World Weather Open Science Conference (WWOSC). There, I presented a talk titled 'Concordiasi Dropsondes: Improved Characterization of Errors in the Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System'. I aim to be publishing a paper of the same name in the near future. During this fall I will be defending my Masters thesis relating to this research.


120 David L. Boren Blvd.
Suite 5900

E-mail :    james.o.russell-1@ou.edu