JPOLE weather forecast/discussion

Last updated:
This page will be updated around 10am every morning.
Threat Assessment
Probabilities within 200 km of KOUN
HoursTornadoHail1 inch+ rainsData collection
Mon 10am - Mon 4pm Low Moderate Moderate HIGH
Mon 4pm - Tue 4am Low HIGH Moderate HIGH
Tue 4am - Tue 4pm Low Moderate Low Moderate
Tue 4pm - Wed 4am Low Moderate Low Moderate
Tue 4am - Wed 4am Low Moderate Low Moderate
-- Low: 0% to 33% -- Moderate: 33% to 67% -- High: 67% to 100% --

FORECAST - 1000am Monday 17 March:


Elevated convection is already taking place across much of
western Oklahoma. As of 10am, 40-45 dBZ echoes were developing
near Hobart. The radar may be turned on shortly.

Convection is expected to increase in coverage and intensity
as daytime heating increases instability, and stronger DCVA
induces stronger upward motion. By mid-late afternoon, widespread
thunderstorms are expected across the western half of Oklahoma,
with hail threat increasing by the hour.

These storms will slowly march eastward across Oklahoma, and 
remain in KOUN range well into the evening.

Tuesday-Tuesday night:

A brief lull is expected during the morning. However, a stronger
shortwave trough will rotate around the upper low Tuesday
afternoon. Although dewpoints will only be in the 40s, insolation
will bring afternoon temperatures well into the 60s. With 500 mb
temperatures between -20C and -25C, there will be enough instability
for another round of thunderstorms developing later in the afternoon.
Some of the storms may produce hail. The most likely region for
convection will be across the northeast half of Oklahoma.


Wednesday and beyond: Upper low will remain overhead through 
Thursday evening, so will maintain threat for marginal hail-producing 
thunderstorms. A shortwave trough will pivot through in northwest
flow Saturday, and a cold rain appears likely. Another major trough
may move into the region early next week.
