inarg: needboreplot_2015070512_0602_1179_0586_1179_111_019. today2: 20150706 today3: 20150707 member: 111 today: 20150705 whichrun: 12 timestring: 2015-07-06_07:00:00 enssizein: 1 111 x1,y1: 602 1179 x2,y2: 586 1179 /scratch/01242/tg805225/pecan20150705/hiresrun/wrfout_d02_2015-07-06_07:00:00 cold pool i,j: 602 1179 cold pool lat,lon: 42.39476 -98.44660 ambient i,j: 586 1179 ambient lat,lon: 42.38776 -98.64065 input of propagation direction done in command line. ho has not been defined by the user, will be calculated by tools. properties of density current not set by user, will be calclated using other methods.