
View from the elevator tower into Park Av.

left side: 100 Park Av. seen in the front, top of 1. Nat. Center seen in the background

right side: Sonic Building seen in the front, top of City Place seen in the background


View down to Broadway Av.,

in the lower left corner the entrance to the Bank Once Center is seen


View into Main Street, in the foreground:

Mid America Tower to the left

Bank Once Center to the right


View into Main Street,

to the left: facade of Mid America Tower,

next building: Corner of Westin Hotel near intersection of Main Street and Broadway Av.


Bank One Center with top of elevator tower of Santa Fe Plaza in the foreground


in the foreground on the left: northern facade of Skirvin Hotel,

in the background view into Couch Street with Skybridge from City Place to Dowell Center


in the foreground on the left: northern facade of Skirvin Hotel, behind: Sonic Building

in the background view into Couch Street with Skybridge from City Place to Dowell Center


view to the intersection of Broadway Av. and Robert Kerr Street


view to the intersection of Broadway Av. and Robert Kerr Street


view to Broadway Kerr Parking Garage with S.W. Bell Building in the background


view to Broadway Kerr Parking Garage with S.W. Bell Building in the background


top of S.W. Bell Building