Kristin's Homepage
last updated 6 October 2005
or current happenings

I am feeling quite productive today. There is something about a strong cold front that makes everything feel fresher, cleaner, and somehow leads to me doing work. I'm not going to try to explain it, I never got past psyc 101 in undergrad.

I have added more research to my site... hopefully I will continue to do so. My current work is on the 29 May 2004 Geary supercell. I'm in the process of completing my project for METR 5330 which is mapping positive and negative CG flashes from the NLDN. Take a peek
I have added PDF files on my publications through the my research link below. They are not totally up-to-date, but they should be soon.

On a personal note, I finally uploaded my pictures to yahoo from my Vegas and Grand Canyon trip (I'm trying to save space here for "research"). Those can be found here.

Finally, I think this goes without saying, anything stated here or in my journal is my opinion and does not represent the School of Meteorology, GSS, CIMMS, or NOAA/NSSL.

I LOVE this time of year...

Lightning Research
soundings and other plots

Like I said above, I have finally added links to PDF files of my thesis and conference papers. I will also be adding a few figures and information here from my masters research as well as what my current work is focusing on. If you care to find out more, follow the link below:

My Research

My current work is studying the 29 May 2004 supercell from TELEX. I should be updating this more in the future as I get time and get more completed.

METR 5330
Information Technology skills for Meteorology

and a link to the class website below:
METR 5330

American Cancer Society
Relay for Life

I will hopefully be organizing another relay for life team through the School of Meteorology and National Severe Storms Laboratory Spring 2006. Yes, the weather weenies shall return. If you have any interest in being involved on the team (all i need is one night and $100 raised) or donating time or money, please email me.

If you're interested in donating to the American Cancer Society or finding out more about the Relay for Life, you can also visit their website: American Cancer Society

it means everything

My cat ferris heard about my webpage and got extremely jealous that he wasn't the one with all the attention.
so in addition to his very own photo album soon to be completed i've allowed him is very own page with me working as his scribe (paws and keyboards don't work so well together)
Hopefully in a couple of weeks we will have the page up and running with peaks into his pals (and enemies) plus a list of ferris favorites.

Weather Links
Blogs, journals, etc.
Photo Albums
Some Favorite Places
Fun & Games