Weather briefings on demand!

Today's weather links:

Followup from earlier discussion
Final 2011 temperature analysis from NASA and NCDC
A note about the differences in global temperatures between different centers

Tropopause v-wind hovmoller
500 hPa heights, tropopause potential temperature and pressure
FNL 500 hPa height, surface temperature, and SLP anomalies

30 day sea ice animation and January sea ice concentration anomalies

Eurasia anticyclone
GFS 1000:500 hPa thickness and SLP analyses
SLP anomalies
ECMWF geopotential heights and temperatures 1 Feb 12 UTC
Geopotential height anomaly cross section from 10-1000 hPa and 10-200 hPa 1 Feb 2012
Cross section loop 10-1000 hPa and 10-200 hPa
CPC time-height
Stratospheric Loop
AO composites

Other highlights over past week
Boulder, Colorado's monthly average and daily extreme snow statistics
MODIS image of snowcover
IR satellite with 500 mb heights and tropopause potential temperature, SLP

Hawaii cold front

OKC temperatures and precipitation
Climate summary maps

Tropopause forecasts
NCEP model forecasts
D[model]/Dt valid 2012021312

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