Weather links for January 15, 2014:

Overview and current weather
Tropopause potential temperature
Water vapor
Norman weather

Southern California wind
Surface analysis

Recent weather patterns and the ''polar vortex''
What is the polar vortex? Just 'wiki' it
What does the polar vortex look like? Hollywood's picture and January 2014
Just how anomalously cold was it?
Land surface temperature anomalies (NASA)

Teleconnection patterns?
Arctic Oscillation?
North Atlantic Oscillation?
Pacific North America?

Sea ice? Concentration and composite patterns
backup sea ice page
Temperature anomalies
Temperature anomaly time-height

500 hPa height Hovmoeller and EP fluxes

Tropopause potential temperature loop
GFS analysis cross sections at 00 UTC on 07 January 2014: (1) Location, (2)"Lower-level" Wind speed and potential temperature, (3) wind speed, (4) "lower-level" standardized EPV anomalies, and standardized EPV anomalies
Stratospheric plots of geopotential height, temperature and vertical cross sections (Andrea Lang, SUNY-Albany)
ECMWF analyses and forecasts of 10 hPa heights/temperatures and 600 K PV

Preliminary 2013 summary
Surface temperature anomalies: Global and Northern Hemispheric
U.S. temperature and precipitation anomalies
Norman 2013 climate graph (alternatively OKC)
Precipitation trends

Tropopause forecasts and tropopause ensemble spread
GFS forecasts
SREF forecasts
GFS precip over next week

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