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3. Methodology - Sensitivity to Perturbations

In the context of 3-D models, the number of IVs is potentially very large when grid variables are considered, and this may inhibit the practical computation of sensitivity because of memory limitations. We propose to compute sensitivities with respect to the perturbations inserted in model variables rather than the grid variables themselves. That is, by introducing an artificial perturbation parameter, e, into the original forward model (ARPS), ADIFOR can generate a sensitivity code that regards e as one of the IVs [5].

Consider, for example, the water vapor field, tex2html_wrap_inline416 . If we perturb it by a factor e,


any quantity P that is influenced by the water vapor field implicitly depends upon e. Expanding P(e) in a Taylor series about the reference state [P(e = 0)] and retaining only the first-order term, we obtain an approximation of the sensitivity of P with respect to e:


Here, tex2html_wrap_inline432 can be interpreted as the sensitivity of P to a uniform relative change in the water vapor field. We have modified the ARPS to include e as an input parameter, as shown in (1), and have applied ADIFOR to differentiate this code with respect to e.

Since the perturbation e is added to the input parameters, which already have their own characteristic distribution in the model domain, sensitivities computed from this approach implicitly involve the effect of distribution for those parameters. We limit our experiments only to initial conditions. Boundary conditions, including lateral, top, and bottom, are excluded for sensitivity experiments and TLM validation.

We also compute sensitivities of the cost function with respect to perturbations in all forecast aspects. The cost function, J, is defined as the squared distance between the model state, tex2html_wrap_inline444 , and the corresponding observations, tex2html_wrap_inline446 :


where tex2html_wrap_inline448 denotes a scalar product between tex2html_wrap_inline450 and tex2html_wrap_inline452 and n represents the time index. Here, the scalar product implies the sum of the products of corresponding components of the two vectors [9]. tex2html_wrap_inline456 is a weighting factor matrix, where tex2html_wrap_inline456 = tex2html_wrap_inline460 for the 3-D ARPS with subscripts corresponding to model variables, where u, v, and w are the Cartesian components of velocity, tex2html_wrap_inline468 is the potential temperature, p is the pressure, tex2html_wrap_inline416 , tex2html_wrap_inline474 and tex2html_wrap_inline476 are mixing ratios of water vapor, cloud water, and rain water, respectively.

The weight for the vertical velocity, tex2html_wrap_inline478 , for example, is computed following Wang [20],


with similar expressions for other variables. Here, k denotes the grid space index. In this manner, the cost function is nondimensionalized and becomes unity at the beginning of the variational data assimilation window.

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Seon Ki Park
Sun Nov 17 12:46:57 CST 1996