On On 850 hPa level
Variable CF Standard Name Abbrev Unit Frequency
Specific Humidity specific_humidity huss 1 Daily Average
On 500 hPa level
Variable CF Standard Name Abbrev Unit Frequency
Vertical Velocity (omega) lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure wap Pa s-1 Average of Instantaneous values at 0,6,12,18Z
On 100 hPa level
Variable CF Standard Name Abbrev Unit Frequency
Zonal Velocity eastward_wind ua ms-1 Average of Instantaneous values at 0,6,12,18Z
Meridional Velocity northward_wind va ms-1 Average of Instantaneous values at 0,6,12,18Z
On a single level
Variable CF Standard Name Abbrev Unit Frequency
10m Wind (u) eastward_wind uas ms-1 Average of Instantaneous values at 0,6,12,18Z
10m Wind (v) northward_wind vas ms-1 Average of Instantaneous values at 0,6,12,18Z
2m T daily max air_temperature tasmax K 24hr instantaneous
2m T daily min air_temperature tasmin K 24hr instantaneous
2m dewpoint temperature dew_point_temperature Tdps K Daily Average
Surface sensible heat flux surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux hfss Wm-2 Accumulated every 24hrs
Surface latent heat flux surface_upward_latent_heat_flux hfls Wm-2 Accumulated every 24hrs
Surface stress (taux) surface_zonal_stress_postitive_to_the_west stx Nm-2 Daily Average
Surface stress (tauy) surface_meridional_stress_postitive_to_the_south stx Nm-2 Daily Average
Mean sea level pressure air_pressure_at_sea_level psl Pa Average of instantaneous values at 0,6,12,18Z
Snow water equivalent kg m-2 Accumulated every 24hrs
Net surface Radiation (LWup-Lwdow+Swup-Swdown) W m-2 Accumulated every 24hrs
Snow Density snow_density kg m-3 Daily Average
Snow Cover surface_snow_area_fraction_where_land snc % Daily Average
Vertically Integrated soil moisture soil_moisture_content mrso kgm-2 Daily Average
Sea ice concentration soil_ice_area_fraction sic % Daily Average
Convective Available Potential Energy atmosphere_convective_available_potential_energy cape J kg-1 Daily Average