Technical notes

Daily Update – May 31

INSTRUMENT STATUS: All good. Still evaluating temperature of enclosure.

WEATHER INFO: Through continues to move E/SE. Today, the Tmax is expected to be ~31C. Low probability of showers in the afternoon. Tonight, an inversion is expected with N/NW winds and there is a slight chance of some mist/fog. Tomorrow, W/SW winds are possible between 9 and 12 UTC.  The fire risk increases through Friday.

PREVIOUS DAY OPS: Looked at the AERI pallets. Plan to replace the 2x4s on the end with some sturdier lumber and use the un-cut 2×4 in the center for support. We didn’t have exact measurements and couldn’t fit the lumber in the car, so we’ll revisit this problem another day. Other than that, we added some reflective insulation to the back of mini-CLAMPS to try and see if that helps keep temperatures lower inside the enclosure.


NEXT DAY OPS: Measure the pallets to have the lumber cut to the correct length at the hardware store. Install the auxiliary temperature sensor to the A/C unit to see if the temperature really are as high as the unit says. Continue to evaluate the new scan strategy. Depending on the number of sondes left, there may be an opportunity for a Supersonde IOP .